Mike Eng 应用

Lose Weight 1.0
Mike Eng
With "Lose Weight", and know what your BMIwillhelp through exercise, to lose that persistent unwanted fat."Lose Weight" It's been tested and proven effective in onlytwomonths of use.Based on scientific facts, and knowing the reaction ofindividualfat cells, it has created a program to perform any typeof exercise(either running, cycling or walking).This program is made to attack that stubborn fat that burn sohard(love handles, belly, buttock ...).First you have to know the different receptors offatcells:Beta receptor type are those that tell the cell to releasefattyacids to proceed to burn.But interest are alpha receptors, say they have little "antenna"andhave difficulty receiving the message: "Out of here, notwellreceived". The body parts that cost us burn more have most ofthesereceptors.So to expel them, you need a very specific type of exercise.With the BMI calculator included in the app, you can keeptrackof your weight and you will see that little by little, thatangerfat disappearing.Miracles do not exist, if you want to lose weight, you havetowork.